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Stabat Mater (2024)

for choir, viola da gamba and electronics

commissioned by IRCAM and Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles

premiered by singers of CMBV

Christine Mezaud - viola da gambla

Johann Philippe, Jug Marković - electronics

Fabien Armengaud - conductor

IRCAM, Espro, Paris, 27.04.2024

psalm (2023)

for voice, flexible ensemble and perc. (cymbal)

(minimum 2 strings and 2 winds)

written for 50. Todestag Ingeborg Bachmann 

premiered by Stirling-Philh Akademist*innen

Gustav Siegle Haus, Stuttgart 12.07.2023

nula (2022)

for six voices (S1,S2,M,T,Bar,B)

commissioned by Music Biennale Zagreb

and Neue Vocalsolisten Stuttgart

premiered bu Neue Vocalsolisten 

Music Biennale Zagreb, 15.04.2023.

defiant walks barefoot (2021)

duo for voice and electronics with video

to texts by Ana Marija Grbić

video by Sara Marković Sara

premiered at CentQuatre, Paris, 12 June 2021

IRCAM, ManiFeste

Tragovi / traces (2019)

for chamber choir

to texts by Milutin Bojić, Stanislav Vinaver, Vladislav P. Dis

comissioned by TENSO and Chamber Choir Ireland

premiered by Chamber Choir Ireland

at Dublin New Music Festival, 1 March 2020

Chant de Vélès (2019)

for large choir and Balkan brass inspired ensemble

Comissioned by Festival d'Aix-en-Provence

premiered on 6 June 2020 in Aix-en-Provence

De Rerum Natura (2019) 

version for soprano and orchestra

3-3-3-3/4-3-3-1/pno./2perc-1timp/ 12-10-8-6-5

to texts by Lucretius and Fernando Pessoa

composed as part of ENOA workshop at Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon

Premiere:  Lara Martins - Soprano, Gulbenkian Orchestra, cond. Pedro Neves, Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon, 13 July 2019

Eurydice's Monologue (2018)

for soprano and seven instruments 

(fl, cl, tbn, pno, vln, vla, vcl) / to text by Kathy Acker

composed during ENOA residency at Gulbenkian Foundation and ESML in Lisbon

Premiere:  Soprano Maria Joao Sousa, ESML ensemble at ESML, 11 Dec 2019

De_Rerum_Natura - MarkovićArtist Name
00:00 / 09:02

Nirvana (2017)

for choir (24 singers)

to text by Vladislav Petković Dis

composed as part of TENSO

Premiere: Latvian Radio Choir, conductor: Kapars Adamsons 

ISCM World Music Days 2019, 6 May, St. John's Church Tartu, Estonia

Jug Markovic - Nirvana.mp3Artist Name
00:00 / 12:24

incidAnces (2017)

for soprano, flute, clarinet and contrabass

to texts by Danil Kharms

composed as part of Snape Maltings residency

Premiere: Suzanne FIsher, Alyson Frazier, Oliver Pashley, Elena Marigomez

Ultraterreno (2016) 

for soprano, mezzo-soprano and piano

to texts by Michelangelo, Marina Tsvetaeva, Tomas Bernhard

composed for residency at Festival d'Aix-en-Provence

Premiere: Ines Simoes, Heloise Mas, Marwan Dafir

Festival d'Aix-en-Provence, Maynier d'Oppede, 16 June 2016

Serbian Love Songs (2016) 

for soprano and string quartet

to texts by Zmaj, Vasko Popa, Miloš Crnjanski, Folk Poetry

Premiere: Aleksandra Stanković - soprano

KoMA Festival, Belgrade Philharmonic Hall, 25 December 2016

photo Ben Viaperalta

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